Lunch Break
We are pleased to announce that this year we offer you the possibility to join THE LIGHTHOUSE CLUB LUNCH:
A healthy lunch break in the cafeteria or terrace of the IAB-Sitges facilities.
A fresh catering of the day - specially designed and prepared for our Dance Summer Course.
Opening the attached PDF link, you will find the menu for each day from Monday to Saturday for both weeks.
Menu of the day with 2 options: The option where the (V) is included is always vegetarian.
To this menu of the day, we will always add fruit or white yoghurt, whichever you choose, plus an energy bar.
Participants and family members will receive an informative email with more details about the order possibilities.
Dancing and self-care is essential.
The Hotel "Utopia" in Sitges is located very close to IAB and the beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean. It offers a wide range of rooms, from individual basic to fully equipped apartments. With written parental permission, 16-18 year old students can also stay at the hotel (Mandatory Official Permission Form).
For accommodation between July 15 and August 3, the hotel management offers a 10% discount by entering the code 3INTDACE.
Information and reservations www.utopiasitges.com
For beach and pool lovers the "Subur Maritim" hotel could be perfect.
Located on the beach, the hotel offers spacious, air-conditioned rooms with beautiful views of the garden or the sea. It also has a large swimming pool that invites you to relax after a long day. Walking distance to IAB.
Information and reservations hotelsuburmaritim.com and enter the code "danceart"
If you prefer to stay in a quiet neighborhood, "Hotel de Sitges" should be your choice.
Located inland, about 3 km from IAB, this 4-star hotel offers cozy, air-conditioned rooms, a swimming pool to relax in, and very peaceful surroundings. Transportation to IAB is available and is arranged on our schedule.
Information and reservations hoteldesitges.com using the code "DANCE21"

Information about the course
Hours and location
Jul 19 - Jul 31
Sitges, Barcelona, C / Ramon Dalmases, 18, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Registration and booking
Entries are accepted for students aged 15 and over.
The total price of the course is € 600 , it includes accident insurance and all classes (3 days - Saturdays included) and workshops, including the show at the end of the second week in the theater within the IAB facilities.
Students coming from outside the country must have valid insurance for Europe.
Dates of the first registration from April 1 to May 31, 2021.
When making the first registration, € 100 will be paid, the remaining € 500 will be paid by bank transfer before June 20, 2021.
Bank account: ES48 0182 5326 0602 0011 8817
In concept add: Dance & Holidays- DAP 21 + Your full name
• 100% of the registration deposit will be refunded only if the cancellation is made before May 31-2021.
• In case of cancellation between June 1 and 30, 2021, only 50% of the € 100 deposit will be returned.
• In case of injury, illness or justified causes, prior to the start of the event, the full fee paid by the participant will be refunded, except for 50% of the registration fee (€ 50 refund) for administrative costs.
• Once the 3rd International Dance Summer Course has started, JC Dance Art Projects will not reimburse the cost of this, in the event that a student must abandon it due to force majeure, but the case will be analyzed in case of providing a medical report.
Hotel "Utopia" Sitges is located in a walking distance from IAB and beautiful beaches. It offers a wide range of rooms - from basic single to fully equipped apartments. With a written permission of parents, students aged 16 to 18 are also allowed to stay at the hotel (Official permission form obligatory).
For accomodation between July 15th and August 3rd the management offers a discount of 10% introducing the code 3INTDACE.
Info and bookings www.utopiasitges.com